Non-urgent advice: How can we help you?
If you think you might have coronavirus or you’ve been in close contact with someone who has it, visit NHS 111 online coronavirus service for advice.
Well-being while staying at home
Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important while staying at home because of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Visit NHS Every Mind Matters for advice, practice advice and support groups.
If you cannot wait to see a doctor and feel unable to cope or keep yourself safe, it’s important to get support.
Get urgent help now – CLICK HERE
Keeping fit at home
To stay fit and health whilst at home, there are many home workouts you can do.
Visit NHS Homes workout videosCovid-19 vaccination booking Waltham-Forest
Please note that if you had your vaccine privately / abroad you must send us a copy of the record so we can update this as soon as possible. However, at present this information will not be visible on the NHS app / passport for you to download so please retain a copy of proof of vaccination should you need it for travel purposes.
Issues with booking 2nd vaccine/updating your records
You must wait 8 weeks before booking your 2nd dose.
If we have not received your covid-19 vaccination consultation from the vaccination site you have attended, please contact them so they can get that uploaded as soon as possible.
Book your Covid-19 VaccineNon-urgent advice: Travel
We are unable to provide a Covid Vaccine Passport certificate or letter for overseas travel. You can see further government guidance for further information.
Proof of vaccination status is visible within the NHSApp, which is available for apple and Android devices
Alternatively, you can call the NHS Covid-19 helpline on 119 and ask for a letter to be posted to you.
This must be at least five days after you have completed your course of the vaccine, the letter may take up to seven days to reach you.
Please check Foreign Office and local travel advice for specific details of whether proof of vaccination status is accepted at your destination.
The majority of countries, including the UK, still require arrivals to participate in a Covid-19 testing, isolation and/or quarantine regime. regardless of their vaccination status.